Customer Experience Management

Systematic Market Research Consultancy conducts online surveys using ‘Qualtrics’, an online platform, for the main purpose of project management. Our partnership with Qualtrics online survey software allows you to obtain crucial data from your audience.

Panel Selection
Predictive Analytics
Brand Recognition
Participant Engagement
Feedback Analysis

Qualtrics sessions begin on the homepage – a one-stop shop displaying all your active surveys, workflows, tickets, and more. Qualtrics helps to ease the survey distribution process, its management and quality control. Data verification and reporting will be on a real time basis.

Qualtrics Dashboards:

Dashboards are designed to give you a quick and simple visualization of your survey results. Each question in the survey will have a visualization pre-made for it. However, there are many customization options available to you to help you build a dashboard to fit your needs.


The end goal of the final advanced-reports is to create informative online and printed reports to share with stakeholders.

Business Targeting
Planning & Management
Strategy & Positioning
Brand Perception
Primary Research
Customer Satisfaction
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Secure your company's precise and up-to-date market awareness, even through the progression of Covid-19 conditions
More Than Just Business

From your problem
To real solution

Systematic Market Research Consultancy goes the extra mile to understand the unique business challenges of each client. We offer a dedicated Client Relationship Manager to help you solve problems efficiently with our industry research and data tools.

Analyzing and Interpreting

A product or service to be offered for sale in that market


Past, present and potential customers for the product or service

Characteristic Research

Spending habits, location and needs of your business's target market

Holistic Research

Existing business opportunities and how to position your product or service
Your Gateway to
Market Insights

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